Bites & Stings

Did You Know?


82% of those surveyed get bitten between 1-10 times a year.

(Reference: survey of 1000 people, 2018, data on file)

In a survey, the most feared insects included:

39% Wasps
26% Hornets
23% Mosquitoes
22% Flies
20% Cockroaches

(Reference: survey of 1000 people, 2018, data on file)

Insects can be a nuisance, especially during the summer months. Insect bites may be painful, with an annoying itch. Insect bite are also susceptible to infection.
The effect of a bite can vary from one person to another but also depending on the insect that has bitten you.

How Bites Can Differ

Mosquitoes, Midges, Gnats & Fleas Horseflies Bed Bugs Ticks

Mosquitoes, Midges, Gnats & Fleas

Bites from these insects will usually cause a red, swollen lump to develop on the skin.


Horsefly bites can be painful and the bitten area of skin will usually be red and raised.

Bed Bugs

If you notice itchy red bumps in straight lines on the face, neck, hands or arms, these could have been caused by a bed bug.

Their bite isn’t usually painful – but the red bumps may last for several days.

If you haven’t been bitten by a bed bug before, it is possible you may not see any symptoms at all!


A tick bite can cause a red, swollen lump to develop on the skin, or a rash that looks like a bullseye.

It isn’t easy to know if you have been bitten by a tick, as the bite isn’t always painful. If you discover a tick attached to your skin, you must remove it immediately.

Ticks can transmit a potentially serious infection called Lyme disease in the UK. If you develop flu-like symptoms after a tick bite, contact your GP.


How to remove a tick

  1. Use clean tweezers to take hold of the tick as close to the skin’s surface as possible. This will give you the best chance of avoiding leaving all or some of the tick embedded in your skin.
  2. Next, pull upwards keeping a steady pressure.
  3. Once the tick is removed, make sure you clean the area and your hands thoroughly.


Do not try to crush or destroy the tick with your fingers.


Did you know?

If you have an insect bite or sting, you can receive advice from your pharmacist. As part of the Pharmacy First service, your pharmacist can provide advice and treatment for INFECTED INSECT BITES.
Please note Anthisan is not intended for use on infected insect bites.

What is the difference between a bite and a sting?

A key difference is which part of its body the insect uses, so a bite is when the skin is broken by the mouth of something like a mosquito or flea so that it can feed. A sting is when the insect, such as a wasp or bee uses another part of its body, like a stinger on its tail end to pierce the skin and possibly inject with a form of venom.
A wasp, bee or hornet sting often leaves a small mark where the stinger broke the skin.
Insect bites tend to be itchy.

What is nettle rash?

The leaves of nettles can cause a red, raised rash. It doesn’t tend to spread beyond areas of skin that come directly into contact with the leaves and will usually last around 24 hours. The rash tends to appear soon after contact with the nettle plant.

Bites and stings in children

Anthisan bite & sting cream can be used to treat pain, itching and inflammation caused by bites and stings and is suitable to use on children aged 2 years and above.

Bites & Stings tips

With GP Dr. Kevin Barrett


What should I do if I get bitten or stung by an insect?

Being bitten or stung by an insect can be irritating and even painful but the majority of people recover quickly. If you do get bitten or stung, apply a topical treatment product containing an antihistamine because it can soothe, cool and reduce the itch. An ice pack can also cool the inflamed area. Avoid the urge to scratch the bite or sting. 

Other options for treating bites and stings include taking painkillers such as paracetamol or ibuprofen for pain, or a hydrocortisone cream for itching and swelling.

A small number of people can have an anaphylactic reaction, so if there is any mouth or tongue swelling, light-headedness or difficulty breathing then immediate medical attention is needed.

How do I know if a bite has become infected?

If you are worried that an insect bite might be infected, a good idea is to draw a biro line round the outer red margin of the bite. If the redness is spreading outside that line, then it might be infected. You should visit your pharmacist who will assess and provide appropriate treatment.

Are there ways to avoid being bitten or stung?

An insect repellent can help keep bugs at bay but it won’t stop them entirely unfortunately. You are more prone to an insect bite or sting when the weather is hot and your skin is more exposed. Keeping skin covered will help along with limiting the use of floral fragrances that attract insects, particularly mosquitoes. Many insects dislike the scent of citronella and eucalyptus oils so it can be a good idea to light citronella candles in a safe manner if you are out in the garden.

Do I need to treat children differently?

Getting stung or bitten by an insect can be scary for children so it’s important to provide a reassuring hug and then wipe the area with soap and water, pat dry and apply a topical treatment containing antihistamine as this can help reduce pain, itching and swelling, followed by a plaster to avoid children scratching the area. Keep an eye on the bite/sting for signs of infection and visit your pharmacist if you have any concerns.

Other options for treating bites and stings include taking painkillers such as paracetamol or ibuprofen for pain, or a hydrocortisone cream for itching and swelling.

*Dr Kevin Barrett does not endorse any products or brands.

How Do I Know if My Insect Bite Is Infected?

Insect bite and stings will usually get better in a few days. However, sometimes they can become infected or cause an allergic reaction.

Common indications the bite could be infected are increased pain, swelling and redness around the bite and or pus in or around the bite. If you are concerned that your bite might be infected, you should contact your doctor or pharmacist as soon as possible.

If you begin to experience dizziness, a swollen face or difficulties breathing, you should seek immediate medical treatment.

Anthisan is not intended for use on infected insect bites.